
It is a bicycle bus, developed in 2018 by MOBI-O and the École des Cavaliers with the financial support of Vélo Québec and the Partners of the Aylmer sector, which allows elementary students to go from home to school by bike in a safe and supervised way.

Summary sheet of the Cyclobus (french only)

Create a cyclobus, step by step

Step 1

Conduct a survey

Find out the interest of parents in your school by conducting a survey (available upon request).

Step 2

Form a committee

Form a committee to insure the proper deployment, promotion and organization of your Cyclobus

Step 3

Create the route(s)

The bike routes and schedule will be developed according to the parents’ responses to the survey!

Step 4

Promote the Cyclobus

All activities are good for positively promoting the launch of the Cyclobus!

Step 5

Start registration

Interested parents and volunteer cyclists can register using a form sent by email.

Step 6

Train volunteers

Volunteers will be required to complete a criminal background check and receive a road safety training in order to supervise student cyclists.

Step 7

Ride together!